

Hi, I’m Jennifer Merida, Founder, Owner, CDFA® of Grace Financial Consulting, LLC

As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst with 22 years experience in the financial industry, I assist clients in navigating their financial circumstances throughout the divorce process and help them plan for the future. My expertise lies in providing advisory services specifically tailored to individuals going through a divorce. I aid them in comprehending their present financial state and offer valuable insights into how different financial options might affect their future. I am currently seeking clients who are undergoing divorce or separation and require financial guidance during this trying period. My ultimate goal is to provide support by facilitating informed decisions and enabling the planning of a secure financial future.

I provide individuals empowerment and education so they have financial confidence for themselves, their family, and their community long after the divorce is final.

Listen to this podcast to hear more

Listen as I share critical information on decisions that need to be made like “identifying hidden assets” and “divorce and property division laws”.

To help those who are navigating divorce or a separation and are in need of financial guidance by supporting them in making informed decisions and planning for a stable financial future.



  • Current Budget and Living Analysis

  • Income Planning

  • Retirement asset separation analysis

  • Goal Planning

  • Marital asset & debt separation analysis

  • Setting up a Budget for Life After Divorce

  • Dividing Retirement & Pension Accounts

  • Creative Options for Settlement

  • Retirement asset separation analysis

  • Identification and/or Tracing of Income

  • Retirement Planning

  • Streamline and Organize Financial Communication for Attorney

Terry T. 07/23/2023

  • I took an immediate liking to Jennifer Merida. We first met on a Zoom call when I was in Washington State visiting my daughter. I had preplanned phone calls to screen potential divorce attorneys and with Jennifer as a financial consultant. She was referred to me through The Lilac Tree in Evanston, Illinois.

    My biggest concern about getting divorced was whether I would be able to survive financially. I was also worried about my husband's ability to survive both financially and emotionally. She helped me understand the divorce process overall and she was with me every step of the way until it was done. She proved that I could definitely survive financially, under a variety of circumstances, and that my husband, most undeniably, would also survive financially.

    I signed up with her on the phone the first time I spoke with her. It was around Mother's Day that year. Our first in-person meeting was getting to know each other. We exchanged as much information as we had at the time. Our most valuable meeting came later when she went through a variety of options on how I might suggest to my husband that we divide our assets. Jennifer was able to explain things in a way that I understood, in a way that made my various alternatives clear.

    In the end, the divorce was written utilizing numbers from one of the options that Jennifer laid out. By September 1st that same year, the divorce was final. I never regretted spending money on a financial advisor to assist me through my divorce. She was a key part of my support team. She was just what I needed to navigate between therapy and my attorney to arrive, at last, in a happy place.

    Terry 7/23/2023

Let’s take that first step together